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Tips for lockdown

2022/04/18 By:hermes
Today is the the 4th day of Pudong lockdown, not sure tomorrow we will be released or not. But for me everyday is meaningful. Do some exercises, work a little bit, helping people in the buildings to find food, vegetables and so on, I also shared some with the ones who had no time to prepare. Today I received food and fruit from the people in our building. It's good people can help each other in this special time.However we do hope Shanghai will back to normal soon, then everyone can go out and enjoy nature and go back to our own pace.
浦东封控第四天了,不确定明天可不可以出门。我每天都过得挺充实的。做做运动,工作工作,然后也帮楼里的人收集卖菜和主食信息,也把自己囤的粮送了一些给那些没来得及准备的人。今天我收到楼里人送的水果和卤肉饭,大家在特殊时期互帮互助,真的不错。但是不管怎么样,我们都希望上海可以尽快回到正常的状态, 大家都可以出门,亲近自然,按自己的节奏生活。
The fruit and food I received today今天收到的水果和食物
in this four days‘ lockdown life, I have some tips for you.
1、Please do have one doctor and one police's contact you know in hand if possible, since it may save livies. Especially for the ones who have kids, elder people, pregnant women and patient at home. And prepare the emergency bags (clothes, cash, masks, medicine,docemnts needed for emergency, ID/passport and so on) to go with you whenever something bad happens.
Be good to your building gaurd or gate guard, they could help you when need.
对楼里的保安和门口的保安好一点,他们可能会在我们需要的时候帮到     我们。
If your compound doesn’t have a group chat, make one. If you don’t know your neighbors put a mask on and go introduce yourself from a safe distance, share your QR code as much as you can within your community or building. That ONE person you meet could end up being your life line later.
One of the group in our building. 我们楼栋的一个群。
We can buy fruit,vegetables and food, borrow or exchange things  in the group.
2、Be good to your building gaurd or gate guard, they could help you when need.
对楼里的保安和门口的保安好一点,他们可能会在我们需要的时候帮到     我们。
3、If your compound doesn’t have a group chat, make one. If you don’t know your neighbors put a mask on and go introduce yourself from a safe distance, share your QR code as much as you can within your community or building. That ONE person you meet could end up being your life line later.
One of the group in our building. 我们楼栋的一个群。
We can buy fruit,vegetables and food, borrow or exchange things  in the group.
4、The ones who have pets, should be prepared for the lockdown. Cats are fine, I have one, she behaves good and she is happy becasue she can see me everyday. Dogs, we need to prepare fake grass,leafs,even sticks  to help them do their business. Please make sure you have your pet emergency bag packed plus pet tags on! Not tomorrow, not after you take your test but NOW. For more tips for pet woners, please click read more.
 对于有宠物的人来说要为宠物在封控期间的生活做好准备。猫咪比较简.   单,我有一只,她很乖并且很高兴我天天在家陪她。狗狗就不一样,我们需要准备假草坪、树叶、树棍等来帮助他们上厕所。请确保你准备了你的宠物急救包,并且贴好宠物标签。如果没有,请立刻马上做,不是明天或做好核酸后。更多的关于携带宠物的封控生活请点击更多。
5、The last but not the least, we need to get ready for the lockdown mentally, we need to accept it, and arrange our time reasonably, do something we want to do but never did, like watch movie, cook for ourselves, company your family, cleaning, read a book, learn something new,do some excercise and so on. These can make our lockdown time happy and healthy.Let's work together to make a better Shanghai.

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Tips for lockdown
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